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Internationally wanted fugitive of Meshali massacre detained


Investigation of criminal case initiated by the Prosecutor's office of the Republic of Azerbaijan on relevant articles of the Penal Code on massacre and deportation of persons of Azerbaijani nationality, destruction and harm of public and private properties resulting large-scale damage caused by members of illegal Armenian armed groups on 22nd December 1991 in Meshali village of Khojaly district is ongoing. 

The investigation established that, on the mentioned date, a citizen of the Republic of Azerbaijan Khachatryan Vagif Cherkezovich, a resident of Badara village of Askaran district, born in 1955 in the same village and working as a driver in Khankendi city automobile tranport company, together with other individuals of Armenian origin, raided Meshali village of Khojali district using various weapons, including firearms and infantry fighting vehicles, and with the intent to destroy as a whole national group, killed 25 and caused serious bodily harm to 14 members of a group of Azerbaijani origin, also without grounds permitted under international and national law, forcible displaced 358 individuals of Azerbaijani origin from the area in which they were lawfully present.

In addition, Vagif Cherkezovich Khachatryan continued his criminal actions together with his accomplices, destroying and damaging property belonging to the state and villagers, causing a total of 5 million 496 thousand 900 manats of material damage.

Due to the fact that sufficient reasonable suspicions arose regarding the criminal case, it was decided to involve Vagif Cherkezovich Khachatryan as an accused person under articles 103 (massacre) and 107 (deportation or forced movement of the population) of the Criminal Code of Azerbaijan. However, due to the fact that his whereabouts were unknown to the investigation, on November 12, 2013, an international arrest warrant was applied by the court's decision.

As a result of the conducted search measures, on July 29, 2023, Vagif Khachatryan was detained by the military personnel of the State Border Service at the Lachin border crossing point of the Azerbaijan-Armenia state border while trying to go to the Republic of Armenia for treatment through the mediation of the International Committee of the Red Cross.

Vagif Khachatryan will be explicitly placed in a medical facility in Baku, provided with the necessary medical assistance and conditions for ICRC representatives to visit him.

At present, the operative and investigative measures are being conducted to bring the other accused persons to justice.

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