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Scope of activities

The basic principles and rules for organizing the activities of the Baku City Prosecution Office are determined by the Constitution of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On the Prosecution Office", other legislative acts of the Republic of Azerbaijan, orders, normative acts, instructions of the Prosecutor General of the Republic of Azerbaijan, including international agreements to which the Republic of Azerbaijan has joined.
The Baku City Prosecution Office, within the framework of the powers stipulated by the Law on the Prosecution Office, manages the activities of the district prosecution offices in Baku.
The Baku City Prosecution Office, in cases and in the manner prescribed by law, as well as within its powers, initiates criminal cases, conducts a preliminary investigation, exercises procedural guidance over the preliminary investigation of a criminal case, also ensures compliance with laws, supervises the activities of district prosecution offices in Baku, for the execution and enforcement of laws in the investigation, inquiry and operational-search activities of the internal affairs bodies; also submits a claim to the court, participates as a plaintiff and as a participant in criminal proceedings, and protests against court decisions.
The Baku City Prosecution Office is the central body of the district prosecution offices in Baku. The City Prosecution Office operates on the basis of the principles of legality; equality of all before the law; observance and respect for the rights and freedoms of individuals, the legitimate interests of legal entities; objectivity, impartiality and reference to facts; subordination of a subordinate prosecutor to a higher one; political neutrality.
The activities of the City Prosecutions Office are carried out in a transparent environment that ensures the protection of investigative and official secrets.

Official information Internet resource of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
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