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In-depth study of international best practices, expanding the practice of referring to legal principles, instructions and positions (standards) from the experience of the European Court of Human Rights in the process of law enforcement, including the provision of an electronic database, which is a single set of international and national legal, scientific, methodological, information and reference documents to further increase the theoretical knowledge of prosecutors in this field are one of the most important factors in promoting international standards for the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the prosecution authorities.
To facilitate easy access and practical application by prosecutors of useful information about the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, the case law of the European Court of Human Rights, other international treaties for the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms to which the Republic of Azerbaijan is a party, and related international legal documents, including information on scientific, methodological, informational literature, on recommendations in the law enforcement process, on international experience and other theoretical issues, the Human Rights Document Search Portal (IHSAP) was created in the Prosecutor General's Office.
The Human Rights Document Search Portal is designed for prosecutors and can be accessed via the link below.
Xəbərlər gündəlik olaraq sizin e-poçt ünvanınıza göndəriləcək.
492-55-40 492-01-38
Concerning corruption and bribery